82 percent of leaders strongly believe data helps create a strategic advantage in strengthening their level of customer trust as well as their bottom...
This commitment will focus on a mixture of investments for Genesys people, talents and the transition from business process optimization (BPO) to KPO or...
By leveraging emerging technologies in the cloud, hospitality companies stand to improve customer service, optimise productivity, and control operational costs.
The Youth Social Innovation Lab (YSIL) is hosted by Youth Co:Lab (YCL) Philippines in partnership with makesense. The initiative is also part of the...
Transformation from individual entrepreneurship, which is often a hobby, to a real business, occurs so quickly that sometimes newly successful business leaders do not...
Using NASA's Ocean Surface Current Analysis Real-time (OSCAR) data to determine possible locations of ocean garbage patches using GPS, PaWiKAN uses a pair of...
The research showed that while high achieving students were not affected by the amount of time on Facebook, below average students had significantly lower...
4 of the 5 Office 365 Preferred Networking Partners are very large, long-time Microsoft partners (Citrix, Zscaler, Silver Peak and NTT). The fifth partner,...