With the partnership, SweldoMo will now be part of Converge “Workplace” which aims to provide automated solutions to make managing businesses easier and more...
Paybox accepts cash, credit or debit cards, PayMaya QR codes, and virtual change, eliminating face-to-face interaction and allowing customers to do contactless payments in select stores.
Based Ookla’s analysis of Speedtest Intelligence data covering Q4 2021, iPhones connected to either Smart 5G or 4G/LTE network perform up to 1.8 times...
PayMaya utilized various digital tools and programs that enabled employees and management to open frank conversations about PayMaya’s growth and allowed for a safe shift to...
Cisco also commended Eastern Communications’ dedication to providing world-class ICT solutions to deliver the new hybrid workplace and secure their customers’ businesses with unparalleled...
Like the rest of the world, Japan is interested in autonomous cars for the safety and convenience offered; however, they’re also becoming a necessity...
The telecommunications industry’s growing open ecosystem gives CSPs more choice in their technologies and partners as they modernize to cloud-native networks.
The score includes Smart’s performance in terms of mobile broadband coverage, download speed, and latency, which refers to the time it takes for data...