IBM announced it is working with the Cloud Security Alliance -- a global not-for-profit dedicated to defining standards, certifications, and best practices to help...
From localizing content about crypto education to holding crypto debates across the Philippines, Bitskwela has been developing programs to further Filipinos’ knowledge and help...
Together with MVP Sports Foundation, Smart Sports, FFH, and JCI Manila, ‘Better Today for Kids Playground’ is the culmination of PLDT and Smart’s month-long...
This series of optical products substantially exceeds product class average and can better meet the requirements of new services in terms of traffic, latency,...
This performance was once again due to substantial revenue contributions from multi-payment platform Electronic Commerce Payments Inc. (ECPay), Yondu, and Asticom.
PLDT Inc. (PLDT) and its wireless subsidiary Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) have been cited by various international award-giving bodies throughout the year.
On the first day of SIM Registration, 244,840 Smart Prepaid, Smart Bro, and TNT users; and 143,682 Smart Postpaid subscribers, or a total of 388,522 subscribers, were able...