Bots are constantly evolving - with fast paced advancements in AI, it's possible to create ever-increasingly realistic bots that can mimic more and more...
In many cases of sextortion, perpetrators don't actually possess the images or videos they're using as leverage. Instead, offenders manipulate victim behavior by tapping...
Seeing the danger and lack of cyber resiliency among organizations, Ashwin Pal, Director of Cybersecurity at Unisys, a global IT solutions provider, shares several...
With the new cloud discovery feature, an IT administrator can safeguard compliance to corporate security policies by controlling the unauthorized use of potentially unsecured...
Sophos calls this kind of app “fleeceware” and researchers have found more than 30 iOS fleeceware apps available on Apple’s official App Store. Between...
Amidst the “new normal”, tech companies are tasked with providing the infrastructure necessary for telecommuting in a manner that is both safe and effective.
People often think of infrastructure as a set of technologies just sitting there, but in fact they're living technologies - socio-technical systems that are...
Among the other urgent cybersecurity issues identified by the respondents are keeping relationships with partners and customers in the age of digitalization and ensuring...