The global cybersecurity company’s Anti-Phishing System prevented 834,993 phishing attempts against companies with 50-250 employees, a 56% increase compared with the same period last...
According to the latest survey of IT Security leaders conducted by 451 Research and commissioned by Kaspersky, the majority of CISOs (64%) agreed that...
A three-month APT trends summary for the last quarter has come from Kaspersky’s private threat intelligence research, as well as other sources that cover...
As social distancing measures become common and workers adjust to their new professional environments, even from their own living rooms, there is potential for...
Titled “COVID-19 and Cyber Threats in Southeast Asia,” the e-book describes how many businesses in the region have become more vulnerable to online threats...
Software vulnerabilities are more likely to be discussed on social media before they're revealed on a government reporting site, a practice that could pose...