Radenta Technologies, one of the country's leading IT solutions integrators was a Diamond Sponsor at the 25th anniversary celebrations of the Federation of Associations of...
Nagios XI provides a monitoring, alerting, graphing and reporting platform for the entire infrastructure, including servers, operating systems, applications, network devices, websites, hypervisors, cloud...
The trial includes basic provisioning and installation of Acronis Cyber Protect VM or Workstation License, access to Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud’s integrated security, management...
One of Radenta’s latest offerings is Dugga, a comprehensive assessment tool for schools. It is a platform independent (PC, Mac, Chromebooks, iPads) and OS-independent exam...
Microsoft Teams Essentials is the first standalone offering with small business in mind. This new subscription makes the best of Teams available as an...
Radenta Technologies shares tips on how its very own Human Empowerment Equals Happy Employees or hemp and the popular Microsoft Office 365 Business Basic...
Radenta Technologies is offering a free 3-month trial on Microsoft Office 365 Business Basic from March to September. Those from areas affected by typhoon...