With 2022 underway, the emphasis is shifting to recovery, growth and investment in the kind of transformational technology that will underpin a bold, secure...
The introduction of a flexible pay-as-you-go monthly subscription payment plan, user-friendly License Management Portal for partners, and multi-layer cybersecurity product stack has made the...
Dubbed MoonBounce, this malicious implant is hidden within a computer’s Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) firmware, an essential part of computers, in the SPI...
The world has seen some high-profile incidents where cybercriminals took advantage of the weaknesses of ICT vendors, and used them as attack launch pads...
BlueNoroff is part of the larger Lazarus group and uses their diversified structure and sophisticated attack technologies. The Lazarus APT group is known for...
Cybercriminals can target a variety of industries, from airlines, hospitals, government websites, banks, telecom companies, universities, e-commerce, and even social media giants through different...
In the 2021 vendor benchmark, Kaspersky garnered the highest satisfaction ratings from its partners in the region in terms of commitment (97.8%), overall ease...