Globe’s annual Globe Media Excellence Awards (GMEA) was dedicated to honoring the newsmakers as well as their organizations for exemplary work in bringing COVID-19-related...
Check Point provides consolidated cybersecurity solutions across networks, endpoints, and the cloud. These protect devices from the many types of cyberattacks that plague businesses,...
The collaboration between the two tech-driven companies started back in 2019, with a purchase agreement signed earlier this year. Now, the partnership has fully...
Globe is offering its customers a financial care program that enables them to remain connected despite the challenges brought to their livelihood by the...
Monthly active users of Globe’s self-service apps have grown significantly in the past nine months, showing how consumers are adjusting to the new normal...
For its introductory period, the SHARE&SURF249 comes with 15 GB of open access data allocation with an additional 5GB introductory freebie. To share the...