The first-place winners were Team CJ, consisting of Cheryl Lim Xin Yi from Singapore and Julia Jasmine Binti Jufri from Malaysia. They impressed the...
As part of the company’s 40th anniversary celebrations in the Philippines, more than 70 FedEx volunteers packed and delivered rice-soy meals to 400 families...
The new facility is set to offer enhanced capabilities that will benefit local businesses looking to amplify their presence in international markets and support...
A key finding was that 68% of respondents see the greatest potential for growth in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia....
The attempt was recognized by the Malaysian Book of Records for ‘First Zero Emission Cross-Border Delivery’. It also underscores the company’s goal of achieving...
As the Official Logistics Provider of the event, FedEx Express, through their reliable global network, successfully delivered 17 colorful and iconic hot air balloons...