The Teleperformance Analytics Academy aims to grow the skills and expertise of TP employees on data science and analytics, and build a critical mass...
The ACES Awards recognizes successful companies and individuals in Asia across two main domains: leadership and corporate social responsibility. It values the services and...
Indian-owned business processing outsourcing firm Intelenet Global Services inaugurated a new business facility to consolidate its presence in the Philippines and support its growth...
Australian-owned Acquire BPO is looking to expand its business process outsourcing operations in the Philippines by establishing additional sites and facilities in Metro Manila,...
The move towards cloud computing is accelerating in the Philippines where the technology is received and recognized. This was stressed at the 2nd Philippine...
IBEX Global Solutions, Inc., a business process outsourcing (BPO) company that offers an integrated suite of services to support diverse customer-facing solutions, inaugurated its...
STARTEK, a provider of business process outsourcing services, has announced the opening of a new office facility in Frontera Verde in Pasig City. The...
Philippine-based Pointwest Technologies sees growth opportunities in Australia as the country moves to accelerate the pace of adoption of healthcare technology.