Amdocs, a provider of software and services to communications and media companies, is collaborating with Amazon Web Services (AWS) in enabling Globe Telecom, one...
Addressing the problem of skills mismatch where available jobs in the labor market do not match the skills of graduating college students, Amazon Web...
When we hear the terms “artificial intelligence” and “natural language processing,” we often think of innovations coming out of the U.S., China and Japan,...
Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS), an company, announced the availability of Amazon Aurora in the AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore) region. Amazon Aurora is...
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, IBM and Microsoft have received the leader designation for cloud IT infrastructure services, while CenturyLink, Equinix and Rackspace were...
Every Friday during busy months, Glenn Mendoza, vice president for information technology and systems at Seaoil, would get calls from end-users complaining about system downtime...