A tough road is expected for businesses that rely on digital technology this year as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks continue to evolve,...
A new Bluetooth exploit, known as BlueBorne, has been discovered to exploit a number of Bluetooth vulnerabilities, making billions of devices potentially vulnerable to...
Co-sponsored by Eastern Communications, the 6th Arangkada Philippines Forum tackled the acceleration of the country’s economic growth using the administration’s 10-point Socioeconomic Agenda, which...
According to the report ‘IT Security: cost-center or strategic investment?’, the most costly cybersecurity breaches for businesses of all sizes result from the failures...
HSN turned to Voyager’s TackThis! platform to bring the ShopTV experience online via a website imbued with e-commerce functionalities. Store marketing was accomplished via...
Featuring task overview, multi-version backup, flexible job scheduling, smart data reduction, fast data transfer and upgraded encryption, Hybrid Backup Sync can boost productivity for...