KnowBe4, the provider of the world’s largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, today announced a new product feature called PhishFlip, which turns real-world phishing attacks into safe, simulated phishing templates.
A majority of data breaches begin with a phishing attack and the threat continues to grow. According to the fourth quarter 2020 Phishing Activity Trends Report by the Anti Phishing Working Group, phishing attacks doubled in 2020, growing from 100,000 in January to 200,000 in December.
PhishFlip, which is included as a feature of KnowBe4’s PhishER product, responds in real time to turn dangerous attacks into an immediate, real-world training opportunity for end users. PhishFlip quickly analyzes a user-reported message and then identifies and removes both malicious links and dangerous attachments, replacing them with safe alternatives for testing purposes. All end users who received the real email threat but did not report it may then have the dangerous phishing email replaced with the safe simulation in their mailbox automatically. Admins may also choose to send the same simulated phishing campaign to other groups of end users.
“PhishFlip enables IT administrators and cybersecurity professionals to turn the tables on these threat actors by taking real email threats and ‘flipping’ them to create a defanged look-alike version of that message,” said Stu Sjouwerman, CEO, KnowBe4. “It is critical for organizations to educate their employees so that they become vigilant against phishing attacks. What could be more relevant than using actual real-time attacks to prepare your users? PhishFlip is unique in that capability, allowing IT and the SecOps teams to take security culture to the next level within their organizations.”
PhishFlip is available to KnowBe4 customers who have purchased PhishER.