AMD launched the first product based on its “Vega” graphics processing unit (GPU) architecture: Radeon Vega Frontier Edition, the world’s first graphics card with up to 172 percent faster rendering performance than the comparable competitor card.
Through its High Bandwidth Cache Controller, the cornerstone of the world’s most advanced GPU memory architecture – HBM2 – Radeon Vega Frontier Edition expands the capacity of traditional GPU memory to 256TB, allowing users to tackle massive datasets. It scored up to 33 percent faster than the competition in the DeepBench benchmark that measures the performance of basic operations involved in training deep neural networks .
The Radeon Vega Frontier Edition has blue-anodized brushed aluminum shroud and lit Radeon inlays, as well as high-airflow I/O bracket and vented anodized backplate.
The Radeon Vega Frontier Edition GPU offers multi-GPU scaling, with 91 percent faster rendering using two Radeon Vega Frontier Edition GPUs. The Radeon Vega Frontier Edition graphics card simplifies and accelerates game creation by providing a single GPU that is optimized. This includes everything from asset production to playtesting and performance optimization.
With the Radeon Pro Settings user interface, users can switch between “Radeon Pro Mode” and “Gaming Mode” to alternate between development on animation applications like Autodesk Maya and performance optimizations with free, open source tools available through AMD’s GPUOpen initiative.
The compute power in Radeon Vega Frontier Edition and its support for an open software ecosystem also give a new breed of developers and filmmakers the ability to break new ground in virtual reality (VR) and 360-degree video content.
Radeon Vega Frontier Edition achieves the maximum possible score in the SteamVR benchmark, up to 21 percent higher than the multi-GPU Radeon Pro Duo solution.