Locally-based human resource solutions provider STORM introduced its latest product, Squares, a cloud-based corporate communications tool that allows employers to communicate directly with their employees through their smartphones.
Peter Cauton, founder and chief executive officer of STORM, said the solution addresses employment engagement crisis by pushing information to employees and expects feedbacks from them, thereby increasing engagement and productivity.
“Doing this as a SaaS (software-as-a-service), this mobile application is built for organization’s communication to help our clients engage their employees,” said Cauton.
Running on Android and iOS platforms, Squares allows companies to relay updates, announcements, and memos to all their employees across different worksites. Employees, on the other hand, may now request documents through Squares without manually filling up and filing forms. Using the application, employee surveys and other feedback data can also be sent out and answered at once. Information on company events, policies, HMO coverage, and government benefits such as SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG, etc., will also be made accessible on a single device.
For security, STORM keeps the data safe on the cloud. According to Dodge Ronquillo, product head of STORM Squares, within the data space, the data were encrypted when these are transmitted from the phone to the server, and stored in the database. Every transaction is verified between the app and the server to check if the transaction is valid, making sure the same person is making the same request. For cloud service, the company works with Amazon.
The solution is customizable through the use of Web tools.
STORM also provides support to its Squares platform. “What we will do is to keep updating the platform, keep updating the API (application programming interface), keep updating the functions, the features and everything that comes with the cost of the platform,” said Ronquillo.
The cost starts at P99 per employee per month, but it gets down as the number of employees or users increase.