Get ready to pump up your game time as Nickelodeon has announced the launch of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run, the network’s first worldwide mobile app available in more than 150 countries and 8 languages. Join Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo in this endless runnerninja combat game, where players run, jump and fight their way across the rooftops of New York in an attempt to save the city from the invading Kraang and ultimate destruction.
Available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run features full 3D characters and environments based on the CG-animated series.
In this app, players assume the role of their favorite Turtle as they outrun the Kraang’s tractor beam, battling enemies with Ninjutsu combat along the way. As enemies are defeated, players earn coins that can be redeemed for awesome power ups, weapons and gear. Collecting energy orbs fills the player’s Energy Meter and keeps the Kraang away. Once the Energy Meter is filled, players enter “Turtle Time”– a special combat mode where game play is zoomed in and slowed down, and players must tap in rapid succession, striking multiple enemies simultaneously in a thrilling fight sequence to increase coin collection.
To enhance game play experience, players can visit the Turtle Lair to unlock characters, purchase power ups and upgrade their Turtle’s weapons and gear. Enhancements can be purchase during game coins or an iTunes account. New gear influences coin collection rates, energy meter drainage and refills, builds players’ resistance to certain obstacles and enables them to fast-forward to any section of the game already played, gaining additional coins.
Game features include:
- Battle hoards of enemies from the Foot Clan, Kraang, and Dimension X
- Activate Turtle Time to fight up close in a slow-motion combat sequence
- Outfit the turtles in exclusive cyber and stealth gear
- Upgrade with weapons, gadgets and boosts like the Laser bot and Turtle Saver
- Unlock and play as the turtles’ formidable canine foe Dog pound
- Earn rewards from the pizza time mini-game
- Epic Boss Battles
The app is available for $1.99 or PHP 82. For more details about the app, visit
Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles airs regularly on Nickelodeon, Friday nights at 7:00 PM (ET/PT) and Saturday mornings at 11:00 AM (ET/PT).