It is a fact that in almost any organization, the greatest asset is that of the workforce. With the exception of dark factories that operate with entirely robotic workers, most businesses will rely on their staff members to deliver success to the organization and help them to achieve their goals.
In many forms of business, high levels of productivity and a continuing competitive advantage come directly from an engaged workforce. Conversely, in businesses that suffer from poor staff motivation and a lack of engagement, it may become increasingly difficult to hit specific performance targets. In addition, a poorly motivated workforce will be more likely to look for other forms of employment, thus increasing employee churn, losing expertise and adding to recruitment costs.
In this article, there will be a discussion of some of the key ways in which staff motivation can be improved. These may apply to a wide range of different industries.
Ensure IT systems operate effectively
In the Philippines it is widely recognized that progress needs to be made in terms of the adoption of latest technologies and key IT infrastructure. The relative lack of advancement in this field has been demonstrated to result in lower levels of innovation in business. In addition, the level of IT literacy in this country is lower than that of other emerging Asian economies which can further hamper the development of an engaged and productive workforce.
There is a need for businesses to adopt more modern and efficient IT systems in the workplace that can drive business success and encourage improved working practices. Many staff will have experience of using outdated or poorly performing digital infrastructure and this can severely impact on motivation levels at work. Thankfully, this situation can be improved by ensuring that there are skilled IT staff in every organization who can help in the roll out of improved IT systems that operate effectively. These staff members should ideally undertake an ITIL certification to give them the skills and knowledge to deliver improved IT infrastructure.
In short, building a highly skilled IT department can be a key way to deliver services that promote improved working practices whilst reducing frustration from the workforce. It can be a key way to enjoy productivity gains and allowing staff to feel more engaged with their working tasks.
Support remote and hybrid working practices
During the recent covid-19 pandemic, remote working practices become a requirement for millions of people. This was largely due to the need for compliance with government imposed restrictions on movement and lockdowns that sought to slow the spread of the virus. However, an unexpected result of these changes to working practices was that many people preferred to work remotely, even after the worst effects of the pandemic subsided. It is estimated that approximately 50% of Filipinos prefer working from home.
Many workers find that this gives them greater control over their work–life balances and can make for a less stressful working week. With less need to commute to a shared workplace, time and energy can be saved, which can lead to a more engaged workforce that focuses more effectively on working tasks.
In short, the value of remote working practices should not be overlooked in a post-pandemic world as it may be a key way to support a more highly motivated workforce.