Radenta Technologies has a strong commitment to further the growth of Philippine education. It now offers various ways to help schools digitally transform their blended learning approaches.
Dugga Digital Assessment for Higher Education
One of Radenta’s latest offerings is Dugga, a comprehensive assessment tool for schools. It is a platform independent (PC, Mac, Chromebooks, iPads) and OS-independent exam service for all types and levels of digital knowledge evaluation with a focus on schools, high schools, colleges/universities, and education organizations throughout the world.
Dugga’s platform is a state-of-the-art solution based on scientific research in pedagogy and information technology. Municipalities, schools, educational institutions and private education leaders in over 130 countries now use Dugga. The platform offers an easy-to-use but at the same time advanced test platform and is the fastest growing test platform in digital examinations.
Dugga is best integrated in Microsoft Teams. The integration enables teachers to create all types of exams and assignment within Teams. This also allows teachers to schedule exams ahead of time, collaborate with colleagues, publish results and give valuable feedback to individual students or the entire class.
Dugga AB is the Swedish company that runs and develops the Dugga platform. Dugga was the Microsoft Partner of the Year Winner, Education Award in 2016 and has been a Microsoft partner ever since.
Radenta Leasing Agreement Program
Radenta will soon launch a Leasing Agreement Program whereby schools can lease laptops, so they do not have to purchase units upfront. The lease period is flexible and the devices are upgradable every 1-2 years. Each unit will have the Microsoft Windows operating system. Other programs are optional.
The laptops can scale up a school’s computer lab to aid the education of students in technology. The lab makes available equal opportunity in learning. It provides hands on experience for students and teachers using world class and top branded devices. Combined with an O365 A3 account, the devices can be remotely managed so the school can take action on the device remotely and deploy education apps easily.
Microsoft Showcase School Program
Microsoft Showcase School program is a school transformation program and a global community of pioneer schools around the world using Microsoft Education Transformation Framework.
There are advantages to being a Showcase School. The school becomes a part of a worldwide community of educators who share insights and best practices. The school gets to be part of local, national or global Microsoft events.
The school receives benefits like Microsoft partner offers and product support, digital transformation guidance and access to resources and latest research and the chance to be recognized by global education institutions.
In turn, the school can then become a participant in shaping future Microsoft education products and programs, contribute to the vision of schools and students around the world and elevate the school’s visibility and role as a leader.
Any school can fill out a nomination form to be a part of the Showcase Incubator Path. The school goes through incubation at its own pace all the while supported by Microsoft and its partners. In the Philippines, Radenta is a major partner providing support and tools needed by the school.
It is during the incubation period that the school embeds the technologies and undergoes training and certification. Once the school meets the criteria, it can then nominate itself for graduation in becoming a Showcase School. It usually takes 6 months from enrollment to graduation.
There are now 14 Microsoft Showcase Schools in the Philippines namely: De La Salle Santiago Zobel School, De La Salle Araneta University, De La Salle University Dasmariñas, Lyceum of the Philippines University Manila, Lyceum of the Phlippines University Batangas, Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan, Asia Pacific College, National University Manila, National University Laguna, Isabel National Comprehensive School, Marigondon Senior High School, Nazareth School of National University, Tanuan School of Craftmanship and Home Industries and San Guillermo National High School.
Let Radenta guide your school in its digital transformation. Call 0919-085-8241, email info@radenta.com or log on to https://www.facebook.com/radentatechnologies.