Finding a nearby ATM or branch can be quite difficult especially if you’re living in far-flung communities.
Robinsons Bank launched the RBankMo agency banking facility in partnership with Premiumbikes stores to make banking more accessible to Filipinos, wherever they are.
With RBankMo, you can now withdraw using any Bancnet ATM card, pay bills, and deposit money to your Robinsons Bank savings account at your local Premiumbikes store.
For those who don’t have a Robinsons Bank savings account, they can also open one through RBankMo with only one (1) valid ID required.
There are currently 50 RBankMo branches at Premiumbikes stores ready to serve customers, and will expand to an additional 200 branches in the coming months.
Robinsons Bank continues to work to provide access to financial services to every Filipino as part of its efforts to increase financial inclusion in the country.
Robinsons Bank is the financial services arm of the JG Summit Group of Companies, one of the largest conglomerates in the Philippines. It currently ranks 18th among universal and commercial banks in the country, with assets amounting to Php 151.215 Bn as of December 2020. The Bank is recognized as the Fastest Growing Commercial Bank in the Philippines for 2020 by the Global Business Outlook; and the Best Commercial Bank in the Philippines for 2020 by the International Business Magazine. RBank was also recognized as an Outstanding Employer at the PH Best Employer Brand Awards 2020.