In today’s competitive landscape, HP helps micro- and small-scale entrepreneurs take advantage of opportunities by helping increase their resources, scale up operations, or expand their business.
From now until October 31, 2018, every single sales invoice/receipt purchase of a minimum of three HP Ink Tank 315 All-in-One (AIO) printers or HP Ink Tank Wireless 415 AIO printers gives buyers a Php500 discount per unit.
Entrepreneurs can print virtually anywhere and enjoy high volume printing with the HP Ink Tank AIO printers as they can easily print up to 8,000 pages of sharp colored images and photos using a tri-color bottle set or 6,000 pages of dark and crisp text with an HP black ink bottle.
The HP Ink Tank 315 AIO printer can even help multi-tasking-oriented business owners as it can take on scan or copy jobs even while printing. On-the-go entrepreneurs can also remotely print from any device by connecting their smart phone or tablet to the HP Ink Tank Wireless 415 AIO printer using the HP Smart app or HP ePrint.
So, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of business opportunities by getting a minimum of three HP Ink Tank 315 AIO printers or the HP Ink Tank Wireless 415 AIO printers at discounted prices. Get these AIO printers at any authorized HP resellers nationwide. Per DTI-FTEB permit number 14335 series of 2018. Visit or see posters and print ads for more details.