SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA – Threats are always changing, said Arabella Hallawell, senior director for strategy of NETSCOUT. The only constant is their increased severity.
This is why Hallawell believes that “businesses should have threat and risk awareness”.
But this is also why Hallawell stressed the need for service providers to better the digital experience of the businesses they are targeting.
“In the past, the goal was transactional,” Hallawell said. That is, and for instance, security solutions were bought only because they specifically target a specific issue. In this sense, there’s only the focus on analytics.
But this is no longer the case nowadays, since “now, it’s the digital experience that is the great differentiator.” For Hallawell, there’s a gap when the focus is just on analytics.
Obviously, there remain numerous challenges to make digital transformation a reality, including: affordability, improved IT collaboration, tool consolidation, end-user experience, single pane of glass, and CAPEX and OPEX cost-cutting.
Suffice to say, “there is a need to design (solutions) for the overall experience,” Hallawell said.
This is a lesson that is relevant to service providers because “if you don’t (evolve), the customers go elsewhere.”
In the end, “mindset and culture are important aspects of change implementation.” And this needs to happen not only among the customers, but those who eye to target them, too.