Professional photographers typically opt for DSLRs for two main reasons. The first reason is image quality. High-quality optics traditionally requires lenses of a specific size and weight. That’s changed a lot over the past few years. In fact, many professionals now use “micro four-thirds” models (marginally larger than point-and-shoots, but with interchangeable lenses) as the lenses provide image quality good enough in all but a few situations.
The second reason is control. DSLRs allow photographers to tweak the settings on their camera, which takes years of experience giving them value to their craft. But while most smartphones automatically adjust settings such as ISO and aperture for the novice photographer, the VIBE Shot takes it one step further, with a “Pro” mode which lets experts manually adjust these settings to help them capture stunning photos.
The VIBE Shot’s features include: bulb effect that lets users take shots with a long exposure – fireworks, motion blurs, and other common street and urban photography effects; faster focus, making it almost twice as fast as conventional autofocus tech; and optimization for selfies, thanks to VIBE Shot’s Panoramic Selfie mode, 8MP front camera, and optional Selfie Flash Xtension.
As a phone, the unit features: 4G, Wi-Fi, and dual SIM capabilities.
The Lenovo VIBE Shot is available for P17,999. The VIBE Shot will come bundled with a free screen protector (worth P299) and a free back cover (worth P599).